Blog Classic
11 de diciembre de 2019 2019-12-11 6:46Blog Classic
Todo empieza por dentro
Teaching in a fully online environment can be daunting even for seasoned online instructors when they have to prep a new course. However, with a few simple strategies, the process can be smooth and enjoyable. Here are four strategies that any instructor can use to successfully build an online …
Atrévete a sentir esperanza
Furthermore, women are less likely than men to get the recommended amount of physical activity. Keep reading to learn why physical activity is critical to women’s health across the lifespan. …
7 prácticas para ser un padre o madre asertivo empezando desde adentro
These paintings reflect on being ready for what’s to come and like the trees knowing we’ll get through it. There will be blossoming once again in the spring. …
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